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Galina Biserova

4310 Pleasant Valley Rd.

Chantilly, VA  20151

Phone:  571-639-8158


Instruments Taught:  Piano

Education:  Galina Biserova is from Bryansk, Russia.  She brings an impressive resume trained on piano in the Russian classical style with years of teaching experience.  She is also trained in vocal studies, conducting, and teaching methods. She has a gentle, nurturing style that excites the student to be the best they can achieve.  She is passionate about teaching, speaks beautiful English, and is excited to join our efforts of bringing quality music instruction to our communities!

Activities/Services:  master classes, festivals and recitals

Available As Accompanist:  Yes

June Byun

43599 Sonora Seed Terrace 

Chantilly, VA  20152

Phone: 253-722-4063


Website Address:   Instagram: jpiano815

Instruments Taught: Piano

Education:  Bachelor of music in performance with honors; Master of music in performance from Queensland Conservatorium of Griffith University in Australia

Affiliations:  NVMTA, MSMTA, MTNA

Activities/Services:  Recitals, auditions, competitions, Private lessons, chamber music.  All levels and ages welcome

Additional Info/Specialties:

Available as Performer:  No

Available As Accompanist:  Yes

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